Edvard +386 (0)41 650 410, Janika + 386 (0)41 940 392


(please find General Business Terms and Conditions in english language under the slovenian version)


SPLOŠNI POGOJI POSLOVANJA za izobraževalno-terapevtski konjeniški center (ITKC)


1. Splošna določila

  1. Izobraževalno-terapevtskemu konjeniškemu centru Kraljeva domačija Borovnica (v nadaljevanju ITKC) pripadajo hlevi, pokrito jahališče, skladišča in vsi drugi prostori (kašča, lope, pisarne), izpusti za konje ter vse ostale površine, skupaj s parkirnimi prostori.
  2. Podjetje Infotrade plus d.o.o. ima sklenjeno pogodbo za izvajanje “Licenčnih storitev” s konji po HBM metodi (»Licenčne storitve« so določene kot implementacija »Draper Equine-Assisted Sensory-Based Therapy Methodology« oz t.i. »Draper Senzory Method«) in je dolžno upoštevati vse pogoje dajalca licence Horseback Miracles, Inc., ki izhajajo iz sklenjene pogodbe (varovanje intelektualne lastnine z omejitvijo uporabe in dostopa do licenčne intelektualne lastnine, NDA, poslovna skrivnost in spoštovanje tajnosti pogodbe, pravna pristojnost zvezne države Kolorado, licenčnina, certificiranje, blagovna znamka, metodologija, tehnična dokumentacija, izpolnjevanje licenčnih standardov, Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti, …)
  3. Upravni prostori ITKC se nahajajo na naslovu: Rimska c. 26a, 1353 Borovnica, Slovenija.
  4. Dopise, vprašanja, vloge, PRISTOPNICE in/ali pritožbe za ITKC je potrebno naslavljati na ta naslov pisno ali po elektronski pošti na naslov info@kraljeva-domacija.com, ne pa na osebje, asistente, zaposlene pri oskrbi konj in vzdrževanju
  5. Nepovabljenim ni dovoljen vstop v hleve, jahalnico, prostore za terapijo, skladišča s krmo, sedlarne in druge pripadajoče prostore ITKC.
  6. ITKC je privatna last in je pod video nadzorom.
  7. Strokovni vodja ITKC izvaja, vodi in nadzira vse delo s konji in naročniki ter je v celoti odgovoren za strokovno delo v zvezi z izvajanjem izobraževalno-terapevtskega programa. Delo drugih – tujih izvajalcev, oz. privatnih oseb je možno samo po predhodnem soglasju ITKC.
  8. Pomožno in hlevsko osebje lahko opravlja samo dela, ki jim jih naloži strokovni vodja izobraževalno-terapevtskega konjeniškega centra in jim daje ustrezna navodila.
  9. Objavljen urnik, razpisane termine in čas hlevskega miru je potrebno dosledno upoštevati.
  10. Kajenje v hlevih, jahalnici, skladiščnih in drugih prostorih ITKC je strogo prepovedano, razen na mestih, ki so za to opremljena in označena.
  11. Pse je potrebno imeti na povodcih. Vodenje psov v hleve, jahališča in/ali izpuste za konje je strogo prepovedano.
  12. Izobraževalno – terapevtski konjeniški center ni odgovoren za tveganja in ne jamči za nesreče, izgube in škode vseh vrst, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi konj ITKC ali drugih privatnih konj, niti za kraje, poškodbe ali druge dogodke do oseb, konj, poverjene lastnine ali za drugo škodo do privatne lastnine članov ITKC, udeležencev delavnic, terapij, gostov in obiskovalcev, razen, če ITKC za ta tveganja ni posebej zavarovan ali pa so se zgodile namerno, zaradi hude malomarnosti ITKC, njegovih uradnih predstavnikov, sodelavcev ali kateregakoli pooblaščenega pomožnega osebja.
  13. Uporaba storitev v okviru ITKC ni dovoljena udeležencem, ki so pod vplovom alkohola, drog ali nepredpisanih zdravil. V primeru da udeleženec, na dogovorjen termin, krši to določilo, se udeleženca zavrne in se mu zaračuna polno vrednost dogovorjenih storitev.
  14. Kdor kljub opominjanju ne upošteva predhodno navedenih določil, ga je mogoče odstraniti iz prostorov ITKC.
  15. V skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov, splošno uredbo o varovanju osebnih podatkov (GDPR) ter splošnimi akti družbe Infotrade plus d.o.o., vse osebe udeležene v poslovnih procesih ITKC dopuščajo zbiranje svojih osebnih podatkov ter osebnih podatkov družinskih članov potrebnih izključno za izvajanje dejavnosti ITKC.


2. Delavnice in terapevtski konji ITKC

  1. Cene izobraževalnih delavnic in HBM terapevtskih storitev, določa cenik ITKC. Veljaven cenik je objavljen na spletni strani ITKC (kraljeva-domacija.com).
  2. Šolske in terapevtske konje dodeljuje naročnikom storitev strokovni vodja ITKC.
  3. Na HBM terapevtske storitve se je mogoče prijaviti samo s PRISTOPNICO.
  4. Po plačilu zakupljenih HBM terapevtskih storitev bodo usklajeni in razpisani zakupljeni termini izvajanja HBM storitev. Odjava že zakupljenih HBM storitev je možna samo pisno, najmanj 48 ur pred dogovorjenim terminom, sicer se zakupljena storitev zaračuna 100%. Pravica do izrabe celotne HBM terapevtske storitve v razpisanem terminu je možna le, če udeleženec terapije začne z vajami v zakupljenem terminu, ob točno določnem času. ITKC si pridružuje pravico, da prestavi dogovorjen termin HBM terapevtske storitve, zaradi vremenskih razmer in/ali ostalih nastalih okoliščin, ki bi znatno vplivale na izvajanje terapije.
  5. V čas izvajanja HBM terapije sodi: izdelava načrta izvajanja HBM terapije, priprava konja, priprava udeleženca, izvajanje vaj s konjem, vračilo konja v boks in dokumentiranje poteka HBM terapije.
  6. HBM terapija poteka pod vodstvom in nadzorom licenciranega izvajalca HBM terapije.
  7. Za konje s katerimi je udeleženec pretirano grobo in nestrokovno ravnal, se zaračunava dvojna pristojbina. ITKC si pridržuje pravico, da takšnim udeležencem, v prihodnje, ne dovoli več uporabe terapevtskih konj.
  8. S konji, ki niso vhlevljeni v hlevih ITKC, se lahko dela samo po predhodni odobritvi ITKC. Za to se zaračunava pavšalno nadomestilo, ki ni odvisno od dejansko opravljenih ur. Ta pavšal določi ITKC.


3. Jahalni red

  1. Jahališče in prostor za izvajanje HBM terapije je praviloma na voljo v skladu z razpisanim planom-urnikom, ki je dodeljen udeležencem.
  2. Če organizacija posebnih prireditev ali večja vzdrževalna dela, zahtevajo delno ali popolno omejitev običajne uporabe, je o tem potrebno pravočasno obvestiti udeležence razpisanih terminov.
  3. Delo s konji je dovoljeno samo, če ne moti terapij, oz. ostalega dela na jahališču. Izjeme so možne le takrat, ko jih dovoli strokovni vodja ITKC.
  4. Če v jahališču poteka pouk voltižiranja, velja to kot zaprto za vse ostale udeležence.
  5. Pred vstopom v jahališče in pri izstopu iz njega osebje in udeleženci terapij ostale navzoče seznanijo o tem s primernim opozorilom.
  6. Konja je dovoljeno zajahati šele v jahališču (in ne že v hlevu) in to v sodelovanju s strokovnim vodjo in/ali asistenti.
  7. Če jahališče sočasno uporablja več udeležencev, je potrebno spoštovati jahalni red (minimalna razdalja med konji, pravilno srečevanje in prehitevanje,…).
  8. Uporabo opreme lahko dovoli samo strokovni vodja ali trener/inštruktor. Po uporabi morajo udeleženci vrniti opremo na njeno stalno mesto. Poškodbe opreme morajo udeleženci takoj prijaviti in škodo po potrebi tudi poravnati.
  9. Pri šolanju udeležencev in/ali izvajanju HBM terapij je obvezno nošenje atestirane varnostne čelade.


4. Veterinarska določila

  1. V času konjeniških dogodkov in drugih prireditev je mogoče tuje konje začasno vhleviti oz. bo na voljo izpust. Vsi konji morajo imeti veljavni identifikacijski dokument, z vpisano negativno serološko preiskavo na IAK (ne sme biti starejša od 1 leta) in cepljenjem proti kužnemu kašlju (ne sme biti starejše od 6 mesecev).
  2. ITKC zagotavlja redno izvajanje ukrepov, potrebnih za preventivno zdravstveno varstvo konj.
  3. Preventivno zdravstveno varstvo konj je obvezno za vse živali – ne glede na lastništvo in namen uporabe.
  4. Morebitna znamenja poškodbe ali bolezni konja je nemudoma treba sporočiti strokovnemu vodji ITKC, ki po potrebi obvesti
  5. Vsaka zloraba ali pretirana sila oz. grobost do živali, ne glede na lastništvo, je strogo prepovedana in se sankcionira v skladu z disciplinskimi pravili in zakonom.


Infotrade plus d.o.o. – ITKC

Kraljeva domačija Borovnica


V Borovnici, dne 01.11.2018

GENERAL BUSINESS TERMS and CONDITIONS of the educational – therapeutic equestrian centre (ITKC)



  1. The Educational – Therapeutic Equestrian Centre Kraljeva domačija Borovnica (in folowing text ITKC) comprises stables, a covered riding hall, storage facilities, all other spaces (feed storage facilities, sheds, offices), horse paddock, as well as all other spaces, including parking spaces.
  2. The company Infotrade plus d.o.o. has stipulated an agreement for “Licence services” with horses according to the HBM method (“Licence services” are determined as an implementation of the “Draper Equine-Assisted Sensory Based Therapy Methodology” or “Draper Sensory Method”) and is obliged to respect all conditions of the Licensor Horseback Miracles, Inc. that are agreed upon in the agreement (protection of intellectual property with limited use and access to the licensor’s intellectual property, the NDA, business secrets and respect of the confidentiality of the agreement, jurisdiction of the federal state of Colorado, licence fee, certification, trade mark, methodology, technical papers, fulfilling of the licence standards, the statement  on limitation of liability, …).  
  3. The business premises of ITKC are at the address: Rimska cesta 26a, 1353 Borovnica, Slovenia.
  4. Letters, questions, the Registration form and /or complaints to ITKC must be addressed to this address in writing or sent by electronic mail to the address info@kraljeva-domacija.com, and may not be addressed to the staff, assistants, employees that work with horses, or maintain the stables.
  5. Uninvited persons may not access the stables, riding hall, therapy spaces, storage facilities with fodder, the tack room or other buildings or spaces of ITKC.
  6. ITKC is private property and is under video surveillance.
  7. The chief therapist of ITKC as a professional, implements, leads and oversees all work with horses and clients, and is solely responsible for work in the educational – therapeutic programme. Work of others – outside practitioners or private citizens is possible only if prior consent of ITKC is given.
  8. Auxiliary and stable staff may execute only duties, given to them by the chief therapist of the educational – therapeutic programme of the equestrian centre, and execute them as instructed by him.
  9. The posted session’s schedule, times of sessions, and periods of stable silence must be followed strictly.
  10. Smoking in the stables, riding hall, storage facilities, and other spaces of ITKC is strictly forbidden, except in spaces that are fitted and marked for smokers.
  11. Dogs must be on leashes. Letting of dogs into stables, the riding hall and/or horse paddock is strictly forbidden.
  12. The educational – therapeutic equestrian centre is not liable for risks and does not offer any liability in case of accidents, losses or damages of any kind, that may occur because of the ITKC horses or other private horses, not in cases of theft, damages or other events damaging people, horses, property in custody or other damages on private property of ITKC members, participants in workshops, therapy, guests and visitors, except if ITKC is not specially insured for such risks or they were caused intentionally, or by recklessness of ITKC, her official representatives, co-workers, or any authorised auxiliary personnel.
  13. Participants under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicine that was not prescribed may not use the services and facilities of ITKC. In case a participant at the set time for a session breaches this provision, he will be denied access and a full price of the service will be charged.
  14. Whoever even after being warned, does not adhere to the above stated provisions, may be removed from the premises of ITKC.
  15. In accordance with the Personal data protection law, General order on safekeeping of personal data (GDPR) and the general rules of the company Infotrade plus d.o.o. all persons participating in the business processes of ITKC allow the collection of their personal data and the personal data of their family members that is needed exclusively for the activities of ITKC.



  1. The prices of the educational workshops and HBM therapeutic services are determined by the price list of ITKC: a valid price list is published on the web site of ITKC (kraljeva-domacija.com).
  2. Horses for therapy and education will be assigned to participants by the chief therapist of ITKC.
  3. One may accede to the HBM therapeutic services only by registering with a Registration form.
  4. After payment of the ordered HBM therapeutic services the sessions will be coordinated and scheduled for work with the HBM method. Cancelling of ordered HBM sessions is possible only in writing, and at least 48 hours before the session is scheduled, in all other cases the ordered session will be charged 100 %. The right to utilise all HBM therapeutic sessions at the scheduled times is possible only, if the participant starts each ordered session exactly at the determined time. ITKC reserves the right to postpone the agreed session of HBM therapy due to the weather conditions and/or other circumstances that would significantly affect the performance of the therapy.    
  5. A session of HBM therapy includes: the compiling of the HBM therapy plan, the preparation of the horse, the preparation of the participant, exercises with the horse, the return of the horse to his box, and writing of minutes of the HBM therapy session.
  6. Each HBM therapy is conducted under the leadership and surveillance of a licensed HBM therapist.
  7. If horses are treated excessively roughly and unprofessionally by the participant, a double tariff will be charged. ITKC reserves the right to forbid such participants the use of therapeutic horses in the future.
  8. Horses that are not permanently in the stables of ITKC may be introduced only with the prior consent of ITKC. This is charged by a lump sum compensation fee, which does not depend on the actually executed hours. The lump sum is determined by ITKC.



  1. The riding range and area where HBM therapy sessions are carried out is as a rule available according to a published plan – schedule that is delivered to the participants.
  2. If larger events are organized or larger maintenance works under way, that demand a partial or total limitation of the usual used spaces, the participants of scheduled sessions must be informed of this in good time.
  3. Work with horses is allowed only, if this does not disturb the therapy sessions or other work on the riding range, exceptions are possibly only, if this is allowed by the chief therapist of ITKC.
  4. If the riding range is used for the education of vaulting, it is closed for all other users.
  5. Before entering the riding range and when exiting it the staff and participants of therapy sessions inform all others present of this with an appropriate warning.
  6. A participant may ride on a horse only on the riding range (and not already in the stables) and only with the assistance of the chief therapist and /or his assistants.
  7. If the riding range is used by more participants at the same time, the riding order must be respected (smallest distance between horses, correct crossing or overtaking, …).
  8. The use of equipment is allowed only by the chief therapist and/or coach/instructor. After use the participants must return the equipment to its place of storage. Any damages of the equipment must be reported immediately by the participants and the damages must be paid is necessary.
  9. In education of participants and /or in therapy sessions it is obligatory to use attested safety helmets.



  1. For the horses coming to horse show or other event at ITKC will be given temporary stable space or will have horse paddock available. All horses must have a valid identification document, with the indication of negative laboratory test to Equine Infectious Anaemia (Coggins, ELISA; this must not be older than one year) and that it was vaccinated against Equine Influenza (this must not be older that six months).
  2. ITKC provides regular measures necessary for the prevention of horse diseases.
  3. Preventive healthcare for horses are obligatory for all animals – irrespective of their ownership and purpose of use.
  4. Possible injuries or illness of horses must be reported immediately to the chief therapist of ITKC, who will, if necessary, inform the veterinary.
  5. Any abuse or excessive force or roughness to the animals, irrespective of their ownership, is strictly forbidden and will be sanctioned in accordance with disciplinary rules and the law.


Infotrade plus d.o.o. – ITKC

Kraljeva domačija Borovnica


Borovnica, November 1st, 2018